
[ 2018年01月10日 - 22:36 ]



The Rubro-Preto technical committee has an important boost in these first days of preseason. With the support of a drone acquired by the club, training monitoring has been more effective and, consequently, the daily didactics with the players as well.

The initiative of the technology was a request of the technician Nelsinho Baptista, that used much of the practice in Japan. "It was used a lot there, mainly in the tactical works. I think it's an added factor and I brought it here so that we can adapt to our work, "said the leonine coach.

The part of the recording and editing of the images is on behalf of the analysts of red-black performance, Thiago Duarte and Thiago Alves. "We unload the images, do a tactical analysis and delivery ready for Nelsinho to draw their conclusions. In this way we can better exemplify the guidelines for athletes, in a more practical and visible way, "said Duarte.

The person in charge of piloting the drone is Thiago Alves. "Nelsinho asks us to make diagonal images and not so far from the field, so that we can identify more clearly the players. It certainly helps the work of the technical committee, "he said.


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